New Job Order in Romania

Biowaste confirms its commitment to the energy transition in 2023. This year
promises to be full of news and opportunities in the field of #renewable #energy and
eco-sustainable processes in EU markets. We are pleased to announce a new project
acquired in Romania, for the design and construction of a 2MWe installed power
biogas plant.
This plant will be able to handle about 50,000 tons per year of organic
#waste and agro-industrial by-products, which as a result of anaerobic digestion will
be converted into electric and thermal energy from biogas in addition to producing a
natural soil fertilizer, aka digestate, with high agronomic value.
The experience and continuous innovation that distinguishes Biowaste has
enabled us to provide a turnkey plant that includes a pre-treatment line of for the
input materials, approx. 15,000 cubic meters of primary and secondary
anaerobic digesters entirely designed and built by our specialized personnel and,
finally, a pasteurization and separation line of the digestate in compliance with local
environmental regulations.
The internal process will be fully automated and managed via PLC, both on-site and
remotely and monitored by our #service team.

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